
Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 New Year Wish

1. Healthy
2. Get a job that I like 
3. Find a guy that i love
4. Slim down my body
5. Control my temper 
6. Better time management

most importantly.......


Happy new year everybody, and good luck to all~!! ^^

Thursday, December 30, 2010

给 YQ


被你看上的那个女生,肯定很棒吧~ ^^ 对我来说,你是一个很不错的男生,至少我在你身上看到许多优点。
还有, 别假假说自己不帅啦!明明就是被班上公认的小帅哥,虽然矮了点,但没关系啊,要是某个女生真正爱你的话他不会去介意你的高度的啦!要说没钱,我们现在当然没钱啊,改次做了工就有了咯~ aiyo.....

~.~ ...hmm.....虽然不懂你所谓她离你而去的意思是什么,但我觉得你有机会就勇敢地去表白吧!就算被拒绝了,还是可以做朋友的。我现在也跟一个曾经喜欢过我的男生相处地蛮不错啊,有空出来喝茶,谈天。最重要的是以开放的心来看待,很多时候都是自己想太多,其实是事情并没那么糟那么复杂。男生千万不能自卑噢,要不然女生怎么会对他有安全感呢?(ps.当然也不能太自负啦~)


话说回来,写在这里也不懂你会不会看到。。。看缘份吧~ =_=

Saturday, December 25, 2010

※☆ ~ MERRY XMAS ~☆※

║圣║ ║诞║ ║节║ ║快║ ║乐║

* * ♫ ° ﹒♫ ﹒*﹒‧°*∴*♫ *°♫ *                           

ITS CHRISTMAS~! merry xmas everybody~ ^^ although i'm not celebrating it but i still feel the happiness and season feeling ~ tumpang gembira, haha~

Yesterday while i was browsing facebook, there suddenly pop up a chat window, it was Mr Shongen wishing me merry christmas~ x] I was surprise and happy, and i feel that i want to spread the happiness around. I began to look into the chat window and check out whose online. I found several closer friends that i haven't met for a long time, and began wishing them merry christmas one by one~ Everyone was happy, me too! Its really a wonderful feeling.

˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •˛
•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •˛
• ˚ | 田田 |門| ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛
……~٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶٩( -̮̮̃-̃)۶٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶٩(●̮̮̃●̃)۶٩(•̮̮̃ •̃)۶.....  MERRY CHRISTMAS~!!!.....


Monday, December 20, 2010


超兴奋的! 昨天跟几位中学朋友一起去times square 的 COMIC FIESTA见识见识。第一次看到那么多cosplayer在眼前出现,心里真的是,哇!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!强忍住兴奋没有喊出来。酷毙了!!!!!真佩服他们的勇气和金钱。。。很多都看得出花了不少心思在服装,道具和配件上。本人也想找一次机会来cos一下,真想穿穿那么特别又有魅力的服装。希望梦想会实现~哈哈!


Cosplayer们都很尽责,也很友善,全部都很乐意摆pose让我们拍照,而且有些是坐在地上休息着,我上前去要求拍照,他们也肯站起来让我拍,不止是一个人噢,有些是一群人,让我好感动~ > < 他们人很好噢~ 有几对超美的cosplayer们更是像大明星那样,一大群人围着他们咔嚓咔嚓照个不停~太美了!水准一流!大家都忍不住要多拍几张。他们肯定很累,站在那里让人家拍~但也会心地暗喜吧,自己那么受欢迎~ 总之昨天真的很爽很爽~有机会的话来年应该还会再参与这项活动吧~ ^^

Wednesday, December 15, 2010








总觉得,错误的教导,一代传一代,造成负面思想一直固执地在社会里继续蔓延着。他们总觉得自己一直以来习惯的生活方式是对的,却没有用另一个角度,令一个想法去看待事情。有的甚至对本身的做法沾沾自喜,看了令人不舒服。开心就好,不是不可以,但也要顾及到场合和事情。随意放任,后果的严重不堪设想 ,轻则伤害人心,重则剥夺性命。凡事请三思,请别用一句我开心就好来推卸一切的责任。

Monday, December 6, 2010

Thoughts on developing your style by Bobby Chiu

  • People constantly ask me how they can develop a 'cool' style. Here's the trick....Don't think what kind of style do people want. Just be yourself & search for knowledge. Style is developed through knowledge.
  • Just painting or drawing how you naturally do is not enough to develop a good solid style. If art is an interpretation of something we can relate to LIFE, then you have to learn about the different aspects of LIFE to get better at art. Nothing is sadder than seeing an artist with a great idea but doesn't have the knowledge or skill to make it happen the way they had initially envisioned it. I still have this problem from time to time so I search for the knowledge and know how to make the idea I initially had to appear the way I want it to.
  • Your ideas are what makes you unique. Once you have the idea, you search for the knowledge to make those ideas happen the way you envisioned it. I don't know about all of you but I can bet that when most of you learn something new, you can't wait to use the knowledge somehow in your next painting. This changes how the painting looks. With enough changes and exploration, the whole style evolves and the knowledge you learned to get there has come from a genuine place of passion and personal interest. This search for knowledge (instead of searching for a 'style') creates a solid unique style that is all your own. This is why I said in my previous journal entry "Just be yourself & search for knowledge. Style is developed through knowledge."

    I said "Don't think what kind of style do people want" because as corny as it sounds we are all unique in our own ways. Use your unique personality, history, interests, family... etc to create a style that no one has seen before. That's how to develop a great style.

 About Bobby Chiu :
Bobby Chiu’s art career started at the age of two with a box of crayons and his family’s white living room walls. He got his first professional art job when he was seventeen years old, designing Disney, Warner Bros., and Star Wars toys at Thinkway Toys in Toronto, Canada. Bobby has since won a number of awards for his independent work. He hates traffic and line ups but loves watching the traffic jams while drinking his morning coffee from his studio apartment. He presently works as an illustrator for film and television, teaches digital painting online at (, publishes art books, and works on other top secret projects.

About Kei Acedera
Kei Acedera is the art director and co-owner of Imaginism Studios. She is known for her imaginative character designs for Tim Burton’s “Alice in Wonderland” and her best selling children’s book illustrations for Harper Collins. Kei’s work can be best described as light hearted character based illustrations, beautifully appealing with extreme versatility. Look out for more of Kei’s work in upcoming feature films with Sony, Warner Bros. and Universal Studios.

Soooo, these are two favourite artist of mine with great skill and thinking. I look up to them >_< ~ Like Kei's artworks especially, they are so wonderful and cute and adorable! Bobby draws more monster, cute but not my cup of tea~  
That's their website's link, if you are interested~ ^ ^

Friday, December 3, 2010





为什么没跟我们商量就把他砍掉了呢? 为什么为什么为什么为什么为什么为什么为什么为什么为什么为什么为什么为什么为什么为什么为什么为什么??????爸爸十四年前种的,已经习惯了他的存在,现在突然没了,门前空了,光秃秃的什么都没有。






Wednesday, December 1, 2010

illus presentation..... 十二月了!!! ><

啊哈~ 今天的presentation..... 

一开始就一直看奶奶被Ms.lim + Ms mo炸炸炸炸炸炸~ 0__0, 因为说太多关于environment issue, 说错重点的结果。。。 ^ ^''
接下来就轮到我,还算顺利吧,讲师们critique过后应该会比较有头绪该如何接下去画构图吧。。。=.=||| 其中一张study可能texture很日本风,所以讲师说话锋别太偏向日韩,放一些本地的batik pattern下去也不错,但别太过火,要不然会很民族风。 

一直以来其实都没有一个很清楚的概念,该画怎样的构图,一直画不出来,真的很压力。连朋友都看得出来,那天回家乡跟两个死党去看Harry Potter,吃饭聊天时她都能够感受到那股aura....连我自己都还没察觉"事态严重"~ 哈哈
