
Monday, May 31, 2010


so worry bout our group....... the progress so slow. 
T.T 为何他们不紧张的叻?好像只有我和八爪鱼在那里担心得要命似的。。。唉 。。。好慢啊!!!!



《夏日大作战》~!!! 噢~也是很好看的一部哦~!! love love!! ^^ muacks~

导演是细田守,Hosoda~ 谢谢你的这两部动画噢~ 超感人的!^o^

Sunday, May 30, 2010

last minute

ahhh~~~~~!!! illus composition ar!!!! T.T aiyo......

dun want sia sui myself this time, but like very hard to finish like that ....


Wednesday, May 26, 2010


今天真的感到好内疚啊,因为我把衣服给错人,结果害到他没那件衣服穿。 刚才跟他道歉去了,虽然是说不要紧~可是心里还是会有遗憾吧。。。真的很讨厌自己的不小心。唉。。。。。。


Monday, May 24, 2010



Sunday, May 23, 2010


老弟到kampar读书去了, 恐怕很久才能回来一次吧,家里就没有人帮忙打扫做家务了,剩妈妈一个人,加一众猫猫狗狗陪着她咯~


Cosplayer Kaname

OMG~ how could he be so perfect in that Cloud character~>< 简直就是帅到~ 身材好棒噢!爱死你的cosplay ~Kaname kun~><'''
Sanji也是有feel 在那里~ 噢~好爱!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010


天空有一种魔力,美丽的晚霞,总能让我放松心情,感受那瞬间的宁静。出神地望着它,大自然的 美,是所有不快乐的良药,忘记烦恼,忘记疲劳,忘记了不宁静。


Thursday, May 20, 2010



Wednesday, May 19, 2010

sad sad sad

sad lo...laptop need to be send to factory for repair...1 month cannot see my laptop.

the guy there say why so fast rosak geh, one year tak sampai ur laptop sudah kanasai...haih~ i also dun know why, perhaps next time dun let too many ppl use d important or expensive things , if not when spoil dun know who to blame...

body doesn't feel well...tired...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Damn it i'm not feeling well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thanks to the damn oily carrot cake and the damn salty porrige i had just now this is totally shit!!!!!!!!!!!!i thought i want smthing light for lunch and so i order the porrige but too bad it was sooooo salty! omg.....

My stomach is killing me...thanks to the food.....ahhhh> < pls stop this feeling of vomitting and the dizziness in my head,i have to work!!! ohno not again....,the heat is rising in my body! more oily food , i knew my body couldn't take it...T.T


刚刚去看了日本少年画展,发现很多都是用电脑彩绘的,很多都很有水准,构图也很有趣,总而言之很精彩啦~ 此外也看到其他画家的作品,都好没好喜欢。

最近真的很想用电脑画画,一直用传统的材料好闷哦。。。我要改变!~ ~ ~ 〉《

Eat Shit

today really eat shit, everything that happens today can only be concluded by that, = =|||




Friday, May 14, 2010

= =

HERO came to our college and gave a talk~!!! that is so wonderful man~! guess i got one new idol designer now, really met a lot of cool illustrator and designer during KLDW, ^ ^ so nice!

明天去art gallery 参观日本艺术,最近好像好多节目哦,一直跑来跑去。哈哈,很爽可是功课没做到叻。。。唉~

不要紧,打回去吧,还没跟妈妈讲那天在学校撞玻璃。。。= =

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


this week is totally sucks for me, i really sucks.....

yesterday night was totally nightmare, cant even concentrate on the flash video i'm doing, have to take care of the magazine stuffs, thinking who to divide the to contact the senior, send him the file lah this lah that lah....reallly stupid!!! Not to mention my heavy sleepy brain i cant think of anything to put in the video. n today's presentation was totally shit!!! Damn u yi tian. loser who cant finish ur work. 

everything went wrong, because of u!

there are many things bothering me now....shits....can i just ignore them and concentrate on my work? 
nonono, this wont do, the problem with u is that u always dun want to face the reality, running away from it, and laziness. U dun have the courage to solve ur problem. hahhhhihhhhh,,,soooo, now u know ur problem, fix it or u die!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


我现在简直就是累!!! 臭鸡蛋要怎样赶?  头脑根本就是重到不行,我要睡觉!!!我要回家!!! DARN IT!!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

a tired week

again, yesterday din sleep for whole night,just to finish d first piece,jern came over to do work together, we talked bout that iron man n of course the COOL robert downey jr. She guarded me while doing my work so that i wont go fbking~xD, thanks to her i can finish my work,kinda finish,not all,= =...Adrien came in morning 5.45 too n we went mcd at 6am... he was funny~went 2 d wrong house, n expect the owner to open d door~hehehe~

today's illus comment was the layout was boring but the colour save the have to think bout the 3rd composition,,ooooo>n<.....i really dun know how to create a good composition, should learn fr that pee yee, she's really good in this~
gambateh ba, only left 2 weeks 2 finish these to piece...

still dun know wat to do for the modern culture...think think think!

and flash!!!oh my god...really dun know how much i can finish, but, just do my best lo~ wat to do, grumble also no use, still have to do, so just accept it ~if not flash we still will have dreamweaver's works, so, lol, just do it.(hypnotising myself...T,T)

conclusion? this is so gonna be my tired week...everybody's.  : )

Sunday, May 9, 2010

♥♥♥Olivier a.k.a HERO♥♥♥

今天大家都为帅哥而疯狂~真的很帅哦! 今天很多帅哥designer看,哈哈,意外的收获噢~ KLDW也能算是完美的结束吧~!
能去参加真是太好了,klcc conference hall 是超高级的地方咯~超漂亮的室内设计!!又有好吃的饼干。。咖啡。。茶。。两天的早午餐都是那样解决的~hehehe

Sien sien sien!!!

he is discharge fr hospital, thank god~ but the fees is god..... nvm la, the most important is he is safe la....

this time really shit lo, colour till sien, even still got little bit only but still dun feel like finish it...omg.... d details really is killing my patient....should improve on this.....ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

haihhhhhh~~~~ think bout that stupid him again.....最远的距离啊~

Friday, May 7, 2010



今天去了KLDW的conference, 有收获啦~ 看到很多很美的设计,他们的头脑好厉害哦~〉〈 设计的还跑和产品都很有水准~ 最好笑的是GOD douglas young 的 DELAY NO MORE~ xD! 简直全场华人爆笑!洋人则一头雾水~哈哈~ 超搞笑!到最后我跟班长去外面偷饼干吃~hohoho~

唉~还在挣扎着要不要去后两天的conference叻,星期一就考illus 咯,还有酱多还没涂。。。不去又很可惜,每场RM1000 的 conference叻!现在免费给我们学会的人去,又给我们那么美的牌~ 又有好多东西听~ 唉~算了吧,到最后还是会去的,illus 就自己加油吧~

Wednesday, May 5, 2010







噢,不写了,再写眼泪就要掉了,怎么最近我好像哭了很多次啊。简直sot le....有病!唉。。。



刚刚看了《穿越时空的少女》,是一部很好很好看的卡通。超感人的也超爱他的剧情!一直都很想看,现在终于看了,噢yeah~ ♥ ♥ ♥

从头精彩到尾~超爱!!!好满意 >v<~


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

denggi fever

waseh! my bro also got denggi leh! in the private hospital now wor...luckily not that serious, hopefully 2moro can be discharge...aih, mum must be so tired taking care of him in the hospital, afraid and worry at the same time also. nowadays the virus are flying here and there in the air, must take care of our health, if not really very troublesome.

Reminds me of the sad memories again... 真的希望世界和平大家健康啊~! ~.~


今天又让我想起了你,回忆起我刚来kl 读书,我们一起去看学校的宿舍,你说,选大间的吧。虽然大房的比较贵。。。你总是很宠我们吧,在某些地方。 你也知道我喜欢蓝色,所以帮我买相机时会打来问我是否要选蓝色的套呢?还是要粉红色的。。。





最近真地感觉到我的脑袋已经严重的被环境污染了,动不动就那些tmd 或 f***字跑出来,虽然没说出来,可是那一念之间,我想的东西已经把自己给污染了。妈总是提醒我们,一念之间,会改变许多事物,举头三尺有神明,所以人要常常保持善念,保护神才会加持我们。心起善念或恶念,骗不了他们。

miao miao

i miss my cats...... dunno when can go home? 2 weeks seems a very long long time ... busy busy busy.... hope can finish my illus... 
these two cute kitty , ~AWW so CUTE!!!>w<  found them on the staircase, dunno who is their owner~~

Monday, May 3, 2010

money money....

oh no electric bill rise up to RM63.65!!! aih~ everything also money money money...... > o <


oh no, i haven colour my illus , haven finish drawing also. wat the hell u r doing?